full name cassandra forbes date of birth december 3, 1982 (33) place of birth boston, massachusetts current residence boston, massachusetts
occupation ceo of forbes aircraft parents robert & christina forbes status nope astrological sign sagittarius

informational blurb
born in boston, the only child of robert and christina forbes, cassandra forbes lived a blessed life. from the moment she was born she was spoiled but she always wanted more. naturally intelligent and bright, she masked her wild behavior well and lived a double life. a traveler by nature, cassandra convinced her parents to let her attend university overseas in london, away from their prying eyes so she could sow her wild oats. while there, she learned about culture and her sexuality, which she describes as fluid. when she returned she continued her education and returned to her wild behavior, very much on the down low. her heiress and socialite status continued until 2015 when she was forced to take over the family business.
pb: lauren cohan • cv: star sapphire/carol ferriscontact • © sikander & machinegun

born in boston, ma, cassandra is the only child of robert and christina forbes, cassandra was born into a life of luxury. robert had inherited forbes aircraft from his father and he swore that his first born would follow suit. at first disappointed with his child (and only child) being a girl, she soon became the apple of her father's eye. even from a young age, robert was determined to groom her into one day taking over the major company and he set strict demands on her studying. luckily she was a bright girl and didn't need much time to study and she could do other things with her time.

as a teenager she started to rebel in small ways; sneaking out of the house, staying out past her set curfew, drinking and smoking. with her father so busy with the company and her mother completely disillusioned and keen on her own appearances, it allowed cassandra to have the freedom that she desperately craved. she kept up in her studies, so she wouldn't tip her parents off as to her whereabouts. when it came time to look at colleges, her father was dead set on her studies being related to her eventually taking over the company. cassandra wasn't sure what she wanted to do but she certainly didn't want to be told what to do, until her father mentioned that he would pay for any university if she went along with his plan.

to get away from her family as far as she possibly could, she traveled to the university of london to receive her undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering. being in london allowed her the freedom to be as wild as she wanted, without the prying eyes of her father. when she wasn't studying to maintain the marks she needed to keep her allowance and schooling paid for, she was out on the town, experimenting with her newfound freedom and dating whomever she wanted, both male and female. relationships didn't last long, though, as she got bored rather quickly and she moved onto the next thing in her life.

after graduation, she moved back home and immediately started her mba at harvard university. her schooling was still being paid for by her father but she had moved out to her own place and was making the most out of life, mostly on down low so she could keep an extremely low profile. her father still supplied her with an allowance, something that made her a bit spoiled and she lived well above her means, but it was the only life that she knew. her bratty tendencies caught up with her when her and her father went head to head her last year of her masters in his disappointment over one of her grades. The two didn't speak for weeks after and finally, cassandra relented and apologized.

even though she had two degrees in hand, cassandra opted to travel the world immediately after her second graduation. she went across europe for two months while she learned about all the cultures and visited her friends over in london. the time away from her family also allowed her to do some soul searching and when she returned from her travels, cassandra made a point to obtain her pilots license. flying allowed her the chance to feel free, if only for a moment, and it was the one thing in the world that made her extremely happy.

after years of being an heiress and socialite in boston, reality crashed hard for the forbes family in 2015 when robert was diagnosed with bladder cancer. despite his best efforts to continue to run the company, he decided his health was far more important and took the necessary steps for cassandra to step up as ceo. she was extremely reluctant at first but robert assured her that she would have a team around her that would guide her and that she would be a face of the future for the forbes family. cassandra took on the role, although she hopes her father will return, although he is now cancer free and is instead 'enjoying his retirement'.

Basic Information
Carol Ferris is the boss and on-off love interest of Hal Jordan. Her family owns the Ferris Aircraft company, she acts as an executive, and occasionally as a pilot. She is also Star Sapphire, a once villainous role occupying another part of her personality entirely. In the Star Sapphire Corps, where she fights for love across the universe, she has taken on a more heroic role.

Carl Ferris, owner of the Ferris Aircraft Company, decided to retire early and travel the world, leaving his daughter Carol president of the company. Carol hired Hal Jordan and quickly found herself attracted to the fearless test pilot, but would not date him because he was her employee. Carol Ferris fell in love with the hero Green Lantern, unaware that he was her test pilot Hal Jordan.

Coincidentally, Ferris was selected to become the queen of an immortal race of extraterrestrial women warriors known as Zamarons, but did not desire to leave Earth because of her love for Green Lantern. Desperate for their queen, the Zamarons hypnotized Ferris into thinking Green Lantern was her enemy. When she was defeated by the emerald gladiator, the Zamarons deemed Ferris unworthy of leadership and removed her memory of being Star Sapphire, although they left behind both the gem and a subconscious knowledge of her powers.

Over the years, Star Sapphire and Green Lantern would duel again and again, but each time Jordan would defeat Ferris and revert her to normal.

educationBachelors in Engineering - Aerosapce Engineering (University of London; Graduated 2002)
Masters of Business Adminstration (Harvard University; Graduated 2004)

facts • even though she comes off as very mild mannered and put together, she loves to push her limits to see what she can get away with. she was always quite curious but this curiosity can quickly turn into wild and erratic behavior.

• her sense of humor is often rather dark and macabre when she is around those that she is friends with. her public persona is quite different; bubbly, upbeat & outgoing.

• sometimes slips into an english accent on some words due to her schooling in london. it is worse when she is around others with a similar accent.

• views her sexuality as fluid and is still unable to fully commit herself to just one person.